
elena kupreeva

Florals Series

The gentle pedals softly touched by the morning light ...or the warm ryas of the sun ...or washed by the cool summer rain. pure inspiration

July. 100x100cm. oil on canvas. Sold
July. 100x100cm. oil on canvas. Sold
Nighttime. 60x50 cm. 2016
Nighttime. 60x50 cm. 2016
after the rain. 40x120x2cm. oil on canvas
after the rain. 40x120x2cm. oil on canvas
July v1. 40x120cm. oil on canvas. Sold
July v1. 40x120cm. oil on canvas. Sold
July v2. 40x120cm. oil on canvas
July v2. 40x120cm. oil on canvas
lilac v2. 40x120x2cm. oil on canvas
lilac v2. 40x120x2cm. oil on canvas
Lilac. 40x120cm. oil on canvas
Lilac. 40x120cm. oil on canvas
Morning Light (oil on canvas 120x40 cm)
Morning Light (oil on canvas 120x40 cm)
night lights v1 40x120x2cm oil on canvas
night lights v1 40x120x2cm oil on canvas
night lights v2. 40x120x2cm. oil on canvas
night lights v2. 40x120x2cm. oil on canvas